Monday, September 20, 2010

"Pretty Boy Swag"

I chose to talk to Kenya Dunston on a new craze called "Pretty Boy Swag" and also about the creator of this craze. It's a phrase that was created by the hot young rapper Soulja Boy and it's also the title of one of his famous songs.
When asked "what is your outlook on 'pretty boy swag'?" Dunston stated, "What IS pretty boy swag anyway, HELP ME OUT, all of his songs are pointless!" There was also a contraversey on how to spell it with such spellings as: Swag, Swagg, or Swaqq.
Dunston also said, "What IS a Soulja Boy, Why does he spell his name like that anyway, his name is Deondre!"
now from a personal view i feel the same way on everything, i also feel that if you want to be taken serious as a musical artist, then you should make songs with deep meaning.
"However, his career is not going down, but it really should, i just don't get how people can like the pointlessness in his songs."
I was later informed by a passerby that "Pretty Boy Swag" has to do with personal hygiene and then i thought to myself, "...Shouldn't you already be taking care of yourself anyway?"

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