Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"Antonio Mcghee All-star Highschool Athlete"

I interviewed Mr.Mcghee on basketball. Mr.Mcghee is on the state rosters for being #1 in the state of Minnesota for basketball. Having a average of 22.5 pts. a game, 10rebs., 5 assist, 3steals, and usually 2 blocks. Mr.Mcghee trains as least 12 times a week and has played in at least 5 state's. He says"to do what you want to do you got to do what you have to do". For many people that are determined to do something putting hard work into what you love is not in option. I asked Mr.Mcghee, when playing the game of basketball what motivates you?, he was soon to replied with " you always will miss 100% of the shots you don't take, so there for every chance that i get that clear shot i take it". when asked what made him start playing the game of basketball Mr.Mcghee responded with " one day me and my brother Anthony got sent to a foster home, and at this foster home there was this big kid and he tried to bully everybody and i wasn't having that, i wasn't about to take nothing from nobody , so he challenged me to a game of basketball, if i won he would stop trying to mess with everyone. So i was determined to win of course, we went outside to the court i took a shot swishhhhhh...i made it. My second shot was up swishhhhhh...i made it again . That's what got me started in the game of basketball".

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