Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Feiyue Fo sho!

Connor Hagerty, 12th grade, after receiving two new pairs of brand new Feiyue’s in the mail, promptly posted “‎2 new pairs of Feiyues arrived in the mail today YEAH!” on the social networking site Facebook.

Feiyue, which are martial arts shoes, are “grippy” and “they are good for Parkour and training.” Connor purchased the shoes because they were inexpensive and they are perfect for Parkour.

Most people might have never heard of Parkour which “is the discipline of moving from point A to point B in the most efficient way possible.” It involves using obstacles to your advantage instead of going around them.

411rf4Sc79L__SL500_AA300_The shoes help Connor learn how to land correctly on his feet when doing Parkour. The shoes have no extra padding on the bottom, thus literally forcing you to learn how to land correctly.

Using the shoes on concrete will “run them down in 3 months”. Connor says he is very satisfied with the shoes and that “they’re pretty comfortable”. You can look for Connor Hagerty in hallways of North High rockin’ his brand new Feiyue’s.

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