Sunday, September 23, 2012

Obama or Romney?

   Emily Bonan says Romney, but Jack Bonko says Obama. Some students have opinions on this upcoming election, and others, such as Derod Cook who said, “I don’t really care.” Don’t have much interest in it. Kaitlyn Wann said “Not Obama.” When asked why she simply said “I’m republican.”
   Mr.Halderson, who plans on voting says, “I’m going to flip a coin when I get in there and see what happens.” Nick Beisang agrees with obamacare, so if he could he would vote for Obama, although he says “I don’t really like America, Canada man.” Sandira Lomotey, a senior here at North says she’s voting for Obama. When asked why she said “Because Romney doesn’t seem like he has his stuff straight and with Obama we at least have a chance, he hasn’t reached his full potential but he’s getting there.”
   Josh Tuckner says “Josh Tuckner for president ya’ll” Nezhoni Sanquist says “Obama’ because Romney is a Mormon and a republican.” Others on the other hand, such as Jordan Holt who says “Mr.Longtin, hands down.” Don’t really want either candidate.
   Along with that there are people like Rachel Sanquist who says, “I’d vote for Obamney.” Can’t choose between the two. Tony Boyer said “Obama, because Romney wants to cut taxes for the rich people, yes.” While Colin Cassin and Brendan Herold say “I vote Romney, because he isn’t Obama.”
   Bobby Erickson would also vote for Romney, when asked why he said “I feel that Obama hasn’t done enough in four years to be re-elected and Romney just has more to offer. “
   So as you’ve heard, and most likely already know, the presidential election is a very controversial subject, even with highschoolers and that some students have more or less of an opinion than others.

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