Thursday, September 30, 2010

Trip to Cayman Island

(photo:Taylor & Friends)

Two North High teachers and two chaperons took 16 students on a trip to the Cayman Island.

Mr. Bronson and Mr. Dean take a group of students every year. This summer they left on Thursday, the third week of June until the following Thursday. The group stayed in Coconut Bay condos.

Taylor Cook, graduated 2010, said, “I loved the condos, they were beautiful and it was better than living at home.”

The group of divers went out into the Atlantic Ocean about 2 to 3 times a day. Each time they went for 30-75 minutes depending on how fast they used their oxygen tanks.

“My favorite place was Sting Ray City where I could feed and dive with the sting rays,” Cook reported.

When the students weren’t diving they were given certain tasks to do by the teachers. They went to a turtle farm to hold turtles. The group did different classroom activities in order to get their three biology credits.

Cook said, “It was a lot of fun and worth every penny I spent, I can’t wait to go back!”

(written & photo by: MWhite)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Cooking Career

Christine Spencer-Zimmer is a 39 year-old-woman who’s profession is being a chef. She started this dream by working at a High School in Indiana for three years as a cook there.

Zimmer was asked what made her want to be a cook for a living and she said, “The person who inspired me to cook would be my Grandma Zorick. Growing up she taught me so much about cooking and that rubbed off on me. I love to put my heart and soul into cooking and give people the best possible dish of food to eat.”

As we talked she had mentioned that, “I attended Le Cordon Bleu Culinary School, where I graduated with honors.” As Zimmer went to school at Le Cordon Bleu she also worked at Chianti Grill. She said that, “I truly love my job at Chianti Grill. They have taught me so much.”

Zimmer would like to compete on Hells Kitchen or Top Chef. “The one restaurant I would love to cook at would be the French Laundry in California owned by Thomas Keller.”

While at school Zimmer had a favorite chef teacher and she said that, “My favorite chef in culinary school would be Chef Kaye, he taught or Cuisine across Nations. This class was about food from around the world and he is one of the top sushi chefs in the Twin Cities.”

Zimmer has been thinking about getting a new job at Chipotle. “I am getting a new job, because there is no room to advance at my current job, and I have a life plan to own my own restaurant in 10-15 years.”

Out of all the years she has cooked for my family I don’t really have a favorite dish that she makes. There is one that I do like and it’s our family homemade chicken noodle soup that has been in our family for many years.

When asked what her favorite dish was she said, “My favorite dish to make would be grilled chicken, wild rice soup, and my favorite dessert would be my mini turtle cheesecakes.”

Thursday, September 23, 2010

New Store in Downtown North St. Paul

Pam and Matt Hinman, long-time residents of North St. Paul, are opening their own little store called Old Piece New Peace, located at 2509 7th ave. E., North St. Paul, MN. The rustic brick building is perfect for selling pieces of any sort.
The shop will be open to the public soon enough, and will hopefully be a new attraction to the townspeople. "The site was chosen because it is close to home and near other shops selling similar ware," P. Hinman says.
The store will consist of old nick nacks, furniture, pictures, toys, etc., "antiques" if you will. Pam has always enjoyed hunting for treasures, whether at garage sales, auctions, thrift shops, or where ever her travels take her. P. Hinman believes, "If you do something you love and are passionate about, you will always be successful".
Matt Hinman, husband of Pam Hinman and also her assistant, used to be an executive chef for a living, but now he will help his wife with selecting and purchasing goods for their new store. "I am excited to refinish old furniture as much as I am excited to build new things with old barn wood for the shop," Matt says.
Pam and Matt Hinman hope that the shop will put a smile on other peoples faces when they come in and find that perfect old piece that brings them a sense of new peace (hence the name).

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ryan O'Rourke went from dancing in show choir in north st.Paul to going to school to become a cop in brainerd.
I caught up to Ryan and asked him how and what he was doing. he said he was fine and got his own apartment in brainerd. he goes to school twice a week, Tuesday and Thursday from seven thirty to three both days. he says its great except that he doesn't really know anyone up there so he comes home most weeks on Thursday night until Monday.
He told me that becomming a cop is awesome because you get to do somthin you love so it makes going to school super fun.
I found out that almost everyone who goes to his school is cocky, but thats because they teach u to be cocky and act like you cant and wont lose. he said "like a football team except there team cant lose."
the last thing i asked ryan is "do u have to get tazzered in order to get your tezzer." he said no. " do u have to get shot in order to use a gun."

Birthday Excitement !

Brenda Hinton is very excited about her upcoming 18th birthday.
"I'm very excited , but its a weird feeling because I already get shocking looks when I say I'm 17, just imagine how people react when I tell them I'm 18."
Being a Senior in High School does it bring a lot of stress ? "Not really I'm actually happy , because it's my last year, which seemed so far away as a freshman."- Hinton tells us .
So how will you be celebrating you birthday? "I actually have no idea what i want to do . Maybe I'll have a couple of friends over for the weekend, other then that I'm just going to enjoy the fact that I'm another year older."

Sisterly Love

Alexis (Lexii) Hinton is very excited about her older sisters upcoming 18th birthday. "I am very proud of her. I just hope that she continues to make the right choices like she has been in the past." Hinton tells me.
Lexii was asked what makes her and her sister so close, she responds, "We really have a lot of fun together because we both have a sense of humor... Mine being that I'm way funnier than she is!" well isn't that obvious!
As you can see Lexii is happy to have her big sister. What would you do without her?
"I really don't know what I would do without Brenda, she is a very tenderhearted person. I know we are going to continue to stay very close. I know that when she leaves off to college that I am going to miss her dearly." -Alexis Hinton

"Antonio Mcghee All-star Highschool Athlete"

I interviewed Mr.Mcghee on basketball. Mr.Mcghee is on the state rosters for being #1 in the state of Minnesota for basketball. Having a average of 22.5 pts. a game, 10rebs., 5 assist, 3steals, and usually 2 blocks. Mr.Mcghee trains as least 12 times a week and has played in at least 5 state's. He says"to do what you want to do you got to do what you have to do". For many people that are determined to do something putting hard work into what you love is not in option. I asked Mr.Mcghee, when playing the game of basketball what motivates you?, he was soon to replied with " you always will miss 100% of the shots you don't take, so there for every chance that i get that clear shot i take it". when asked what made him start playing the game of basketball Mr.Mcghee responded with " one day me and my brother Anthony got sent to a foster home, and at this foster home there was this big kid and he tried to bully everybody and i wasn't having that, i wasn't about to take nothing from nobody , so he challenged me to a game of basketball, if i won he would stop trying to mess with everyone. So i was determined to win of course, we went outside to the court i took a shot swishhhhhh...i made it. My second shot was up swishhhhhh...i made it again . That's what got me started in the game of basketball".

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Max Fractures his wrist during football

By Taylor Carolus
Max Goodwill fractured his wrist while playing in a junior varsity football game Saturday the eighteenth. Max says, " I don't know how it happened."
Goodwill was fine until the day after the football game. That's when his arm started hurting. when I asked him how bad it hurt Max said," it doesn't hurt as bad today but it hurt really bad Sunday morning."
he is excited to start playing football again but he has to take some time off to heal. Some of you might see Max walking around school with a cast on his left hand. it came as a suprise to him but he should be back in the game in no time.
Goodwill also said,"my mom woke me up at seven this morning to ice my wrist." not only is this effecting his wrist and football but its effecting his sleep. we all hope he gets better soon.

"It's the new THANG!"

Naomi Heu, a junior at North High School, who is currently active in band, expresses her excitement and love for the newest trend that has been spreading as quick as wild fire. It is none other than silly bands!

Silly bands made their first appearance in November 2008. It was easily sold in the southern parts of U.S.A., making silly bands a big hit. Soon enough, the trend spread all over the country (north, east and west) and exposed the wonders of silly bands.

The purpose of silly bands is to collect and trade them with friends. You may also keep them for yourself and wear them however you like.

Heu was willing to be interviewed and answered some questions that were prepared to be asked. "They're actually really fun, awesome looking and legit. Whoever created silly bands is pretty creative. Just look at it, bracelets shaped as animals, trees, makes such a big hit. Now, everyone loves them." Heu says.

Not only is it popular within high school students, but also middle school and elementary students. All students are all over them!

So why are silly bands so popular? Heu says, "Honestly, I don't know either, but just look at them. The way they're made, it's unique and one of a kind. It's the new thang! Make sure you write thang and not thing."

Heu is looking forward to seeing more people wear silly bands and join in on the fun. She also exclaimed, "I want some John Cena silly bands. That would be so awesome." As you can tell, Heu's journey of silly bands will not end here. If you haven't started your journey on this silly bands path yet, I suggest you to do so. It may just open a whole new world to you.

"Bottom line, I would do it again."

By Sunshine Her
I interviewed one of my close friends, Cicily Kong, who graduated from North High school in 2008. She enjoys singing, which she is gifted with, being active in the community, cooking, meeting new people, and art. She is seriously one the most kind and loving person I know.

During her time at North, “I took High school for granted!” she said. “Waking up early was not easy, and it affected my attitude.” I think we all can relate to this. We, as students don’t like the fact that we are waking up around 6 in the morning to go to a place we don’t want to even think about. But being involved in activities, or having one class we enjoy will give us motivation to go. “I wasn’t a straight A student, I wasn’t athletic, wasn’t anything special. I wasn’t into books and academics, but I was into all of the art programs.”

She regrets not being more involved, staying the extra hours, and taking the extra step to build relationship with students and faculty. “That’s why I try to be active NOW wherever I am.” When we are in our fourties and look back, for some of us, High school was, or is an awkward phase in our life. You make the best out of it. Her highlights definitely had to be COFFEE HOUSE ACTS and making her Prom dress!

Kong is currently a Student Ambassador at Century College. Working on her Associates degree – transferring to a four year college (undecided!) “Because I want to do EVERYTHING and BE everything.” Lastly she would like to give a shout out to Mr. Kopp!

Cortney Kielsa holds new job at Gordys

Cortney Kielsa, seventeen years of age got hired at Gordy's Steak House in Mahtomedi. Previous to this job, she worked at Byerlys in Sun Ray. She held this job for a little over three years. She was so excited to get a new job because she wanted to experience a different field of work. At Byerlys she disliked how all she did was bag groceries. She wanted a more up beat job, which is exactly what she found at Gordy's.

Cortney is a hostess at Gordy's Steak House and also cleans tables. She loves the positive work enviroment that she feels there. "I like it a lot at Gordys! Except for when it gets really busy on Friday's." Cortney thinks that the people she encounters and works with at Gordy's Steak House are very nice people. "I also love dressing up for work, I always feel like I look very professional."

Cortney also loves how its not such hard work at Gordy's and how she recieves a lot more money. She says that she is very lucky to find such a great job. She also looks forward to coming to work every day, which is hard for most people!

Highland's Big Game.!

October 2nd may be just another ordinary day for students that attend North High since they already had there homecoming game last firday, but students at Highland Park Sr High are getting ready for there big homecoming game against Johnson. Johnson is a very strong school that has vey strong players on there team. "We're ready for them" says Te Te kay a student at Highland. Everybody's been buzzing about this game for weeks now! They're ready to wear there red and white to support there school. The football players have also been practising like crazy because they dont want to disappoint there school on there big day. Highland recently lost a game to Central High school in a close game score of 20-30 so they're feeling a little low they need a win to boost they're spirits. Of course as a former Highland student i will be at the game showing my support to my former scchool. The game will be taking place at Highland Park Sr High. If your free you should come down and support highland =)...GO SCOTTIES

Feiyue Fo sho!

Connor Hagerty, 12th grade, after receiving two new pairs of brand new Feiyue’s in the mail, promptly posted “‎2 new pairs of Feiyues arrived in the mail today YEAH!” on the social networking site Facebook.

Feiyue, which are martial arts shoes, are “grippy” and “they are good for Parkour and training.” Connor purchased the shoes because they were inexpensive and they are perfect for Parkour.

Most people might have never heard of Parkour which “is the discipline of moving from point A to point B in the most efficient way possible.” It involves using obstacles to your advantage instead of going around them.

411rf4Sc79L__SL500_AA300_The shoes help Connor learn how to land correctly on his feet when doing Parkour. The shoes have no extra padding on the bottom, thus literally forcing you to learn how to land correctly.

Using the shoes on concrete will “run them down in 3 months”. Connor says he is very satisfied with the shoes and that “they’re pretty comfortable”. You can look for Connor Hagerty in hallways of North High rockin’ his brand new Feiyue’s.

They Say It's Your Birday

On September 16, 2010, Chelsea Laughlin turned 18 years-old; she’s now an adult. She’s able to vote, move out on her own, own property and move out on her own. How will she celebrate her transition to the big One-Eight? By seeing her favorite band of course!
“It doesn’t feel much different than being 17.” She says when I ask her how being an adult feels. “Not yet at least.” As to how she’d spend this big day, her gracious parents got her tickets to see her favorite band, Coheed and Cambria.
Although she had seen them when they came to Minnesota in the spring, Chelsea’s still very excited, because apparently every concert they play different songs. Also, this time her best friend, Tony and sister, Emily get to tag along.
“I was in ninth grade when I first got into them.” She informs me. “Whet first drew me to them was the lead singer’s (Claudio Sanchez) unique voice. It’s high and weird and not like most bands’ singer’s voices that I’ve heard.”
Coheed and Cambria are also found unique by Chelsea and others because all of their albums and songs are based off of the comic series that they have written for the past 10 or more years that they have been a band. A story about a family being torn apart by destiny. The parents, Coheed and Cambria are told by the government that they must kill their kids to prevent the apocalypse. Not just a comic series, the book called The Year of the Black Rainbow, also the name of their latest album, came out in the spring of 2010 as a prequel to the comics. Even though the comic series entitled The Amory Wars is over, Chelsea thinks they’re still going to make more music. “It doesn’t make sense for them to stop.” She says.
“I’m grateful to my parents for giving me this as a gift, because I like Coheed.” Chelsea continues and then laughs. “I know they could’ve done a lot of other things and they could’ve done nothing because I’m an adult now. So I’m very grateful for this gift.”
Though she doesn’t have a favorite Coheed song, she was able to give us her top five. “’Neverender’, ‘In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth Three’, ‘Ten Speed of God’s and Burial’, and ‘Here We Are Juggernaut’. One of those is from each album. It’s better that way.”
Chelsea’s trying not to look forward to the concert until the week of. “Otherwise it seems like a longer time to wait.” She says and laughs some more. “But yes, I’m very excited.”
It’s been said that “another year older and a-deeper in debt” and I don’t know if that’s completely true of not but there’s definitely more partying! So here’s to you Mrs. Laughlin and your eighteenth birthday celebration!

Best Friends For Life

Christlo Gittens and Eric Fleckner, have been best friends since 8th grade. They are inseparable, "Where there is on theres gotta be another, if theres not theres a problem", says Christlo. They both have a love for Beyonce and Pink. They are always singing, in the hallway, in class.
These best friends have their differences, they don't watch the same T.V. shows, sometimes dress different but that is something that will not keep them apart. "We are joined at the hip", says Chirstlo. They are not afraid to speak their mind and stand up for whats right. If they have something to say you will hear about it, no questions asked.
They both have mohawks, finish eachothers sentences, and say the samethings at the same time. "We hang out all the time outside of school", says Eric. They are so close if one of them wont do something most likely the other will do the same. They both enjoy eachothers company and will continue to be best friends until the end.

Everybody hates Chris?? Can't we all just get along?

     Everybody Hates Chris is a comedy show that originally aired on the CW channel, but now on Nick @ Nite. I interviewed Lynn Dunston because it happens to be one of her favorite shows lately.
     I also asked her some questions about the show and why its her favorite show. My first question was, why is it one of her favorite shows? "I'm ususally into comedy shows". She also explained why other shows don't compare to Everybody Hates Chris. "There arent much black comedy shows on televsion in at this moment".
     To finish off my interview with Lynn, i asked her if there was anything else that she wanted to add. "I think that there alot of families who dont really act the characters in the show, but you know someone who would act similar to them".

Snooki, An Ideal Idol?

MTV hit a home run with its latest reality show "Jersey Shore". Gaining the most viewers for an MTV original show in two years, one would instantly assume that it is a good show. However, there has been a mixed reaction to one of Jersey Shore's cast members: Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi.

Recently, Snooki got arrested for public intoxication. Snooki, 21, has brought upon a major controversy for herself.
Snooki is frequently related to her "pouf" and her sassy attitude. Her court judge had a different comparison; he compared her to Lindsay Lohan.
Snooki does not seem like one to be idolized, even though she is. She has everything from a clothing line to halloween costumes.
Demetria Binman, 17, seen in the picture above, loves Snooki saying "she is the bomb, and she is funny". She also says that Snooki should be idolized because "she does what she wants, and being self-sufficient is something that can be idolized".
Though Demetria loves Snooki, Ms. Polizzi still has her fair share of disadmirers.
McKenna Mansfield, 15, hates Snooki. She says Snooki is "ugly, fake, and she is a joke". She also thinks the entire "Jersey Shore is scripted".
So why does Snooki have such a part in her fan base? Perhaps the difference in fan base is due to age. Demetria is 17, while McKenna is 15. Maybe maturity plays a part in Snooki's fans.
Whether we like Snooki or not, she is still a big part of todays' society. In the end, she still has a TV show.

Woman Carrying First Family Boy!

I got the honor of interviewing mother-to-be Takayla Pfeiffer. Her "baby bump seems to be growing more and more each day". Takayla is very excited about her gift because she is the only one her generation of her family to have the first boy! "When I found out that i was having a boy everyone got ammediatly jealous because everyone wanted a boy for themselve. But I got lucky enough to have one." Pfeiffer is already fully stocked on clothes and diapers and she still has months to go! I guess you can never be too prepared. "Baby Elijah is going to be so spoiled, but thats alright, less for me to buy!". I wish Takayla the best of luck with her child.

Liz gets a car for free!

Liz Casperson, grade 12, got a new van to drive over summer break. She received this car from her good friend, Alyssa Fischbach. Alyssa offered her van for free to Liz because she got the car free from another person.

According to Casperson, “My van is unique to me. It is in great shape minus one of the sliding door that won’t open, and that’s why I took the offer!”

Liz has a red van with very little rust. The van is a 1995 Plymouth Grandview Voyager. The vehicle holds up to 8 people.

Casperson reported, “ My van takes many of my friends home after school and on the weekends. I take my van to the car-wash, drive-ins, work, school and tailgating in North’s parking lot.”

Everyday after work, Liz finds something on her car from some of her friends. She likes to find something new each time.

Liz said, “ I wanted to name my van Ernie because my aunt calls me ElizaBert, so I thought Ernie would be a good fit.”

Ernie is also known as the “Swagga Wagon.”

(photo: MNW)

Virus or Allergy?

Lately it seems like a lot of people have gotten sick at North High School. So i decided to interview one of my close friends Jessica Yang. She got sick right after the homecoming game on September 17 2010. Seems like the perfect area for a virus to spread.

Some of the symptoms may include: coughing, sore throat, runny nose, stuffy nose, just basic cold symptoms." I wasn't prepared for the environment; i left my seat and went off to buy a hot coco leaving my blanket and sweater behind." During this time she believed that she caught the virus. She also gave me information that other people around her got sick also after attending the game.

Lately there have been improvements in her condition and she is back at school." I'm feeling a little better now, good enough to go to school." But it seems as if more and more people are getting sick with similar symptoms. Some say it's just allergies and some people say that it's a virus. I have concluded that it's probably a combination of the two.

Monday, September 20, 2010

"Pretty Boy Swag"

I chose to talk to Kenya Dunston on a new craze called "Pretty Boy Swag" and also about the creator of this craze. It's a phrase that was created by the hot young rapper Soulja Boy and it's also the title of one of his famous songs.
When asked "what is your outlook on 'pretty boy swag'?" Dunston stated, "What IS pretty boy swag anyway, HELP ME OUT, all of his songs are pointless!" There was also a contraversey on how to spell it with such spellings as: Swag, Swagg, or Swaqq.
Dunston also said, "What IS a Soulja Boy, Why does he spell his name like that anyway, his name is Deondre!"
now from a personal view i feel the same way on everything, i also feel that if you want to be taken serious as a musical artist, then you should make songs with deep meaning.
"However, his career is not going down, but it really should, i just don't get how people can like the pointlessness in his songs."
I was later informed by a passerby that "Pretty Boy Swag" has to do with personal hygiene and then i thought to myself, "...Shouldn't you already be taking care of yourself anyway?"

Thursday, September 16, 2010

News Briefs

News briefs
(These are news leads provided by the students and teacher of Journalism I.)

District 622 has adopted a new logo this year, replacing the three mountains with an image of three steps.  According to North principal Greg Nelson, “I like it.  I was involved in the selection process; we wanted to select something that was a good metaphor representing our district.”  (JWS)

Homecoming kings and queens have been crowned. (CCCG)

Neon Trees hit the scene and #1 on the charts with hit single and video, “Animal”. (ETL)

It is time for juniors and seniors to get ready to take the ACT test this October 23rd this Thursday. For more information go talk to your guidance counselor. (KMD)

North High’s Buffalo Wild Wings Blazin’ Challenge received great results. Over 20 people participated and ended with Brielle Godfrey in first place; she ate her 12 wings in one minute and thirty seconds. (ENF)

While North High School starts a new school year, it also creates a new tardy policy making it easier to get a detention in one day. (MNW)

Homecoming week is this week, but nobody seems to have the spirit. Has North lost its’ touch? The only day people really seem to be interested in is spirit day. Many think we need to switch it up! (KN)

North High school’s volleyball team is undefeated. They are going to play other undefeated teams in their district like Hill-Murray. They will be a tough team to beat. (TMC)

North High School Volleyball has been on a roll and do not plan on losing this whole season. Let’s Go Girls!! (IR)
We have two upcoming dances this week. The boat dance on Saturday which cost $10 and the homecoming dance on this Friday ticket cost $8. You can get a package deal if you buy both tickets for $15! (DMR)

On September 14, 2010 North students dressed up as hillbillies as a theme of the homecoming week. (EAN)

On September 15, Wednesday it was “Hill Billy Day” and since Ranch Day for seniors is similar many of us didn’t do anything. So we decided to wear Neon. (VCV)

Summer of 2011: North High students taking French get to go to France for several days! (HNH)

Some students who have kidnapped underclassmen this year are getting suspended. (ALK)

Monday September 13. The Northern Lights show choir had their first performance of the year. They performed at homecoming coronation. It was a very successful performance by the way the audience reacted. What a great way to start off the year. (SKT)
Freshmen kidnapping results in suspension due to hazing. (KMZ)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Polar Prints Online Gains Authors

North High School's new online journalistic presence, Polar Prints Online, has tripled its number of authors from one to three, a sign that it is gaining force as an important information source for the students of the school.

The blog was started by Mr. Simms, the journalism teacher, in order to modernize and speed up the information distribution system by using the latest technology.

Mr. Simms then collected email addresses from his students and "invited" them to log in to the blog and post news for themselves. So far, about 27 students have been invited, and two have signed up.

"That's a good start," says Mr. Simms.

Mr. Simms believes that all student contributors will be appropriate in what they place on the Polar Prints blog. But he also reminds them that whatever they post is traceable back to them by their email addresses. This, he feels, will increase accountability.

"If you misuse the blog, I will know about it right away, and I'll know that you did it," he says. "If you let a friend log in and the friend misuses the blog, you will still be held accountable."

Mr. Simms calls potential misuse of the blog "something to be aware of," but he adds, "You can't let a concern like that scare you away from using technology well."