Friday, April 15, 2011

Hmong Youth Development Conference

HYDC  is a conference organized by a group of student  from  North and Tartan High School  with the guidnace and support of Ying Lee a hmong Clutural Liaison. This is will be our  2nd year for the Homng Youth Development Conference (HYDC) and we want to do this conference because is that there isnt anything like this out there, and developing youth is what we all need to do.
This is a youth conference designed for hmong youth, but everyone is welcome, come and learn more about the hmong people and a lot more!  The conference is design for student of grades 6 and up. What this confernce is, is that HYDC foucsed on the three components to youth development which are celebrating the hmong culture and history, leadership development and college access. There will be workshops , keynotespeakers, performance and a break dance battle for all youth to participate in. After the conference you will gain a better sense of identity, history and leadership tools to help you in your future. Also you will be inspired, motivatied and  given lots of tools and resouces for  college access.
Everyone is  welcome  applications will be avible in room 209 or on This conference will be held at North High School, it will be on the April 29th, 30th, and May 1st

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