Sunday, April 24, 2011

North and Tartan

North and Tartan highschool has been rivals for too long. Why do some people dislike each others school? It is all competition that brings each school into rivalay. The schools football team for example Tartans been winning their games with norths team which makes norths football team weaker.

Norths school has a newer building than tartans and it is not as old as tartans, it looks more up to date. Maybe it is pride for each others school why theres rivalary even though both students hate the school they go to. Many students know each other from both these schools.

I have visited tartans shool and I wouldn’t be able to stay in there, the school looks trashy and old. Theres really nothing at north but looks more of a peacefull school where I would want to stay and have an education.

Peoples answer may vary by the person who you talk to. Some people wouldn’t care about north and tartan, some people might be like eh or so so about their school and others may have a lot of feelings and show it. Why cant these schools just get along? Why would these school care for what each others done? Why would these school brag about what they can do better?

The answers are unknown everybody has different feelings about each other and their schools. People just have to live with it dealing with rivalaries. Once it begins it cant be stopped, its like a tradition where it just keeps on passing onto the younger generations.

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