Sunday, April 24, 2011

Link Crew Leadership

Link Crew is a high school transition program in which upcoming freshmen are welcomed to their new high school by upperclassmen. The goal is to make the freshmen feel as comfortable as possible throughout their first year in high school. Positive and enthusiastic upperclassmen are chosen to lead small groups and give the new freshman a taste of what high school life is like. It’s a wonderful program to get to know new people and have fun.
Students that tryout for link crew need to have a positive attitude and are always full of energy. The part they play in this program is making the freshman comfortable, acting as a mentor, showing encouragement, and making sure everyone is having a fun experience. Link Crew members lead small groups. In these groups they play games, get to know one another, and tour North High school to get somewhat familiar with it.
Robert Oberfrank, a participating member of Link Crew, said, “I had a really fun experience and I got to meet new people!” Robert was a Link Crew leader this past year and plans to do it again this upcoming year. He said,” I’m excited to help out the new freshman and make them feel better.” Link Crew is a great way to be a part of your school community and help new ninth graders have a positive outlook upon North High School.

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