Tuesday, May 31, 2011

North Cadets honor the Fallen

North AFJROTC students presented colors at several Twin Cities cemeteries on Memorial Day.  Msgt. David Wilkerson had this to say: 
"Just wanted to share the attached photo from Memorial Day with you all. Five of our cadets came in at 7am and spent 5 hours of their time performing Color Guard duties at three local cemeteries. [Msgt. Brian Buesgens] and I  received many compliments regarding our cadets and our program."

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Perfect Ending

Matt Berens has been competing on the North High Track team for four years out of his high school career. He is truly a tremendous athlete. He carries many awards in the events he participates in. Matt does the 2 mile, mile, and the 4x800 mater really. He says, “What I like most about track is going to the meets to compete and watch others compete, plus its fun.” His main goal to this ending season is to qualify for the State track meet at sections. Matt says he does track because,” I like running as a team, improving my times, and it’s fun to see yourself get better!” Good luck to Matt Berens and hopefully he’ll end the season with his goals!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Cat Collage

A while back ago, Mr. Cahill received a strange present. A cat collage. The creator of this work of art is unkown, as well as his or her intentions for leaving such a gift. Mr. Cahill’s only comment on the matter was: "Creeped Out."

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Veggie wars

Mitch Griser Journalism 1

You’re eating your chicken sandwich, or your chicken bits, or maybe even your chicken salad; when all of a sudden you’re hit by your favorite orange vegetable. Carrots are great food weather they are whole or baby carrots, slap a side of ranch dressing with that and your good to go. But it seems like more and more your favorite veggie is being used as artillery.
You better duck and cover before you’re pegged in the head from across the lunch room. An unofficial report said that anywhere from 3 to 93 students were admitted to the hospital after taking a fatal blow to the head or chest. The slippery monsters can easily be squeezed until it burst out of your fingers and go flying. But it seems like people are making deadly blows from crazy distances; so the question had to be asked who is training these root snipers. After grueling interrogation and countless interviews it was made clear that al qaeda was behind these high school antics. It seems like these days no one is safe. So grab your helmets and keep a good look out, or you might get knocked out.


MITCH GRISER Journalism 1

Everyone is going crazy because its a PART-A in Mr. Sturms Physics class. It has become an inside joke for all of Mr. Sturms students, and a fun break from your adverage class room experience.
The fun all started when Mr. Sturm would holler Partayyyy everytime we went over a HW or Test question that had a part A. Now the whole class joins in in anticipation. It has changed the day to day class rountine, and helped more kids focus in in hopes to have some fun!
The fun class saying has evolved into a a bug inside joke and now is even being made into a T-shirt in which the saying will be put on the front with Mr. Sturms face under it showing the old thumps up and a big ole smile.
There are close to 50 students from his 4 physics classes that are already eagered to participate in the T-shirt fun. It is meant to be a funny thing especially since the only classes that normally get T-shirts are for the AP classes . The Part-A day is scheduled for thursday 5/26/11 where every one is going to wear the shirls and have.
As a student in Ap Tong feels good now that it is over with, for him it’s a relieved now that it is over. He’s feeling pretty good that it is all over now.  Then as for upcoming finals “I don't think I am ready for the finals yet. I know for sure that I need to study more before I am ready.” Right now Tong is glad that it is over, but there is still next year! He hope next year won’t be so hard but he is ready for any challenge that he will face in the future.
In their Ap class they are currently watching a movie, but every movie has its purpose in AP! They are also taking notes from the movie that shows what the decade is about and how they people felt in that decade. Also in class they are doing a decade project. It’s a 25 minute presentation but it’s not due yet. For this project in his group of group is doing the 70’s. He is hoping that it turns out good!
In the future he is planning to take more AP class! About Ap class tong says “although it is hard I loves the challenge that comes with it.” Even though he knows he won’t pass the test it is worth it because of the challenge it provided.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Allstar Weekend is a pop/rock band from San Diego, California, made up of four cute guys named Zach Porter (Lead Singer), Nathan Darmody (Guitarist), Cameron Quiseng (Bassist), and Michael Martinez (Drummer). Zach and Nathan started writing songs in high school. Then they decided to form a band where they asked Cameron and Michael to join. Michael was the only one who didn’t go to school with them; he went to the rival school.
One day the boys decide to drive up to Los Angeles for the premier of the Jonas Brothers 3D Concert movie. The four boys stood outside handing out flyers and free cd’s. That night a Disney producer got a hold of their cd and he passed it on to Radio Disney. A few days later they got an email from the people at Radio Disney asking if they want to join a contest called “The Next Big Thing”. They agreed to join but they ended up losing. The exposure from the competition lead too many show cases for major labels, they chose and signed with Hollywood Records.
After opening shows for people like Emily Osment, Jonas Brothers, and Selena Gomez they released a cd. They did lots of promotion at the Radio Disney studios. The station’s studio is “practically home away from home” says Cameron Quiseng. Their singles “Come Down With Love” and “Dance Forever” from their album “Suddenly Yours” were constantly requested on Radio Disney, the songs made it to the Top 30 Countdown.
Their newest single “Not Your Birthday” is an upbeat dancy song. “Not Your Birthday is about living life to the fullest, 365 days a year” says Nathan Darmody. Ever since the song was released it became number one on Radio Disney’s Top 30 Countdown and it was on Z100 countdown too. This song is definitely a catchy song, when you listen to it at least once it’ll be stuck in your head. It’s a good song to play while you’re hanging out with your friends and dancing around.

SHIROCK is a pop/rock band from Nashville, TN, the band was founded by Chuck Shirock, who also does vocals, plays guitar and plays piano. Chuck later met Pap SHIROCK and the two played shows with various musicians and began recording demos “We found early encouragement and direction through Detroit-based producer and friend Michael King, whom we made our first studio recordings with. During this time many close friends came alongside us to help build a foundation for what would become SHIROCK”
SHIROCK’s debut album Everything Burns hit stores on February 22nd 2011. Before their debut album Pap and Chuck recorded three albums of demos “The songs on the album-they’re our lives, our relationships, our friendships within the band” says Chuck as he reflects on the songs on the album. At the end of 2009 SHIROCK was the first independent band to release a CD in Hollister stores worldwide. SHIROCK also had placements on MTV, ABC and NBC.
After listening to SHIROCK’s debut album Everything Burns I thought that they were a good band and I wouldn’t be surprised to hear more from them in the years to come. SHIROCK is a mix of rock and pop, similar to Coldplay, and U2. They also have a sound similar to that of The Killers. I would recommend this band to anyone who likes the genre of music similar to Coldplay because they would really enjoy it.

Senior Slide

Sunny skies, blooming flowers, growing trees, dogs barking, lovely gardens, people fishing, people enjoying outdoor pastimes, and homework being ignored. Spring is a time for laughter and occasional rainy days, but according to seniors: Not Homework.
Senioritis, as some may call it others simply say senior slide, or senior slid if they are speaking of the past. In any case it is a trend or phenomenon that occurs when the brain of a senior high schooled student simply won’t put up with home work any longer. Senior year is the final year of high school and the final step in moving ever more closer to ones career. Senioritis for some has been so bad that it has brought them to the depths of summer school, for others they have squeaked by with a measly excuse for a grade.
If done properly Senioritis should not take someone to summer school, according to seniors, just doing the bare minimum will make for a successful senior slide. “Spring is not meant for homework or work at all, it was created for snow to melt.” This is a quote from senior Mario Tuccitto, he has gone to school for all his life, and now it is time for him to slack off.
Only seniors are eligible to experience a phenomenon such as Senioritis, not only because it has the word senior in it but because to seniors, it only seems fair. And why shouldn’t it be fair, to experience what life is like without homework, all their lives trapped by the frustrations of math problems, reading short stories, and worst of all, trying to figure out what the heck all of the science teachers are talking about. If Senioritis ever happens to you, do not be frightened, be responsible, and do the bare minimum.

Cult of 12

Can you say 12? Do you want to be awesome? If you answered yes to either of these questions you may want to consider joining North High Schools newest cult. The cult is called The Cult of 12 and it is slowly taking over our school. The cult has been known to point out the number 12 very frequently and if someone mentions the number 12 they will repeat it several times.
The members of the cult include Mario Tuccitto, Peter Wagenbach, Taylor Ogne, and Andrew Otis. They won’t be the only members for long because the cult is spreading and is in very high demand. The Leaders of the Cult of 12 are Wagenbach, and Tuccitto. The only ones who have been lucky enough to be recruited are Taylor Ogne and Andrew Otis.
It is quite an honor to be recruited, because it is not an easy cult to get into, it takes skill and a lot of 12. When cult leader Mario Tuccitto was asked what he likes about the cult he replied “being part of the Cult of 12 is a great experience because I found people who love 12 just as much as I do.” Mario’s words were inspirational and could touch even a brut of a man’s heart, through Mario’s tears of joy came a smile of love for 12.
Peter Wagenbach, who is another leader of the cult of 12, said that “The Cult of 12 isn’t just a club or a thing you do for fun it is a life style.” When he was asked why he is in the cult he responded “it gives oneself the feeling of self worth.” Peter was very insightful and wise, he also knows every number that can add, subtract, multiply, and divide to equal 12.
The Cult of 12 is on a new mission of spreading their love of 12 through out the school. 12 has become a way of life for them and they would be lost without it. If you encounter one of these members, be sure to ask them if you qualify to be recruited, and be sure to practice your 12. Thanks for reading and have a 12rific day.

Christine Vang

Christine Vang
Christine Vang is a senior at North Highschool but she has only attended North for two years. Before she came to North, Christine went to North Minneapolis for her freshman year and a charter school for her sophomore year. She said that she enjoys it here at North and she didn’t really like the other schools she attended.
Outside of school, Christine enjoys playing flag football with her team. She is part of a traveling flag football league and they have traveled to places like Brooklyn Park, Dakota County, and Green Bay for tournaments.
When she is not in school or with her flag football team, Christine preformes comedy stand ups. She preformes these acts at places like charity events. Chirstine also enjoys singing and was in choir last year. For fun Christine enjoys painting, fishing, and ice fishing.
After high school, Christine plans to attend travel acadamey. Travel academy is a tech school that specializes in travel and hospitality, Christine will go there to learn how to be a flight attendant. Christine already has a backround in the airforce, it is her second year in J.R.O.T.C., and she said she enjoys it a lot.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Rising Sta²rs

A night to be cherished and remembered honoring those who squeezed in every possible minute of study strength into a day throughout their high school endeavors; the Sta²rs banquet allots their moment to shine. These top 10% elite of North High and Tartan High School senior students are privileged to a glowing ceremony at the Prom center in Oakdale on May 18, 2011. All their hard work, determination, and late study nights have finally paid off to great success. Each student sat at an ornate table accompanied by family and an influential teacher from their education’s past. I had the opportunity to interview a few of the following attendees.
Ryan Ringsred explained the ceremony as, “It was very formal, but very fun too because I got to talk to my favorite teacher and all my friends.” His inspirational guest was Mrs. Vidlock “because she made history fun, kept the class entertained and cared about the students.” A succulent three course dinner including a salad, chicken breast, mashed potatoes, beans, and cake pleasantly satisfied their appetites. “The speaker, Joe Lewis, had a very good speech; but some of the other speakers seemed to drag on.”Overall, Ryan’s experience was a pleasant one.
Another diligent student, Rachel Colter, was spotted at the elegant ceremony. “I enjoyed the ceremony very much, because I was delighted to be recognized for all the hard work and effort I put forth on my own time.” Each student’s name and achievements were announced as they were individually recognized on stage with a proceeding applause of admiration. “There were many speakers, which praised our hard efforts and encouraged our continuation of the work ethic we attained throughout our life.” She was accompanied by Coach Knox “because he was a positive influence and great encourager.” Rachel was pleased with the ceremony, but had one downfall “I didn’t have anything to wear!”
The banquet was a beautiful evening filled with extravagance from the delicious food to the glowing smiles of the young scholars. Another year of new stars added to our world is a step towards more flourishing individuals. The Sta²rs award is a high honor to achieve, and it continues year after year with new rising stars.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

4X4 survey, mitch griser

Music: KPOP (Korean Pop)

In the news

Calculus Students Talk Math


North's Bentsen is the Rotary Student of the Year

Geoffrey “Geoff” Bentsen is a senior at North High School. He was named Rotary Student of the Year. The award is presented annually by the Rotary club. Geoff has demonstrated outstanding performance His quiet personality, and his kindly attitude and Outside the classroom. He is number one in his class and academic. “I feel grateful; I don’t know how many times I can say thank you. My parents are very supportive and they are so proud.”
Outside the classroom, Geoff plays in the band and in show choir combo. Jeff has been doing theatre since 5th grade. He has been in several plays such as: The Preacher Son, Joseph and the magical color coat, Once Open A Mattress, Oliver, The King and I, Then There Were None, Match Maker, Bye Bye Birdie, Music Man, imperfect proposal, Small Wooden House, Fiddler On The Roof, and Just Like Us. Being in theatre helps him to be himself and not be afraid of what others think and just have a blast being on stage and sharing a laughter with the audience.
Geoff is planning on going to St. Olaf and majoring in math. Geoff loves to read, and prefers fantasy novels.  “I just got the three musketeers, and can’t wait to start reading it.” 
One of Geoff favorite course is World Religion. He loves this class because it teaches you to think and you explore things on your own. You get a piece of paper and write down what you would like to learn in the class and the teacher allows you too. Courses that he highly recommend: CIS college composition, communication and world religion. These classes helped him in finding what he wanted to do for college and it’s a great college in school practice.  
One of the thing he remember of high school is that he had a lot of work but it made him work hard to achieve what he wanted. “Do what you enjoy and pursue it to the best of your capability, challenge yourself.”

North High

Monday, May 9, 2011

We all know that in today’s world there is technology everywhere. As the education system improves, so does the advancement of technology. We are being influenced by all these electronics and gadgets. So you ask, “What’s the Catch?” Even though we are aware of the growth of technology some schools have resisted the use of technology. In example; the use of IPads instead of textbooks. The average cost of textbooks per year, provided for one student, is $200 to $700. Now if you do the math, that’s $600 to $2,800 for 4 years of high school, provided for one student only. North High would save a lot more if they purchased an IPads (up to $600) for each student, and use them year after year. They can also update books electronically; it would cost less and save more trees. Overall we are all aware that education can’t avoid technology. The world is changing and schools must learn how to advance with technology.


Asian Student Alliance, a club full of fun and teamwork. ASA is a club that meets every Tuesday at North High, from three pm to four-thirty pm. Students come together to help each other on improving their teamwork skills, and they have different activities to participate in. Once a year they host a Hmong New Year event at North High; students come together to enjoy different performances, and also watch students compete in a Pageant show. The club has no charge for joining, and the club lasts throughout the school year.

“I enjoy being in ASA, because it helps me with my leadership, and teamwork skills. I also love how I can feel comfortable in being myself.”—Crysta Vang, grade 11th.

Athletic Baseball Player

Nolan Peterson, an athletic baseball player, has been passionate about baseball ever since he was four years old. Nolan is 16 years old, a junior in high school, and plays for the North high baseball team. One of his values in life is his family. His family has been very supportive about him playing baseball. A person that he looks up to is his father. He looks up to his father because his father has been very successful, and Nolan also wants to be a successful person in the future. As of right now he is undecided about his career, but plans on going to college after high school. Nolan is a very independent and hardworking person. Like many other students in high school he has to balance a job and school.
The athletic-baseball-player also has big plans with his friends this summer. He plans on traveling with his friends to Orlando, Florida. This trip is not just any ordinary trip; Nolan and his friends are visiting their good friend, Brandon Velasquez. Nolan has known Brandon for five years now, and Brandon will be moving to Florida by the end of this school year. Friendship is something that Nolan values, so you can see how important this trip will be for him and his friends.

A Major Success

Majors, a group of girls with a lot of determination, start their season of flag football in late March. Even though the team started off the season playing in the snow, they have successfully gathered up girls that have been playing flag football for 3 years, and recruited new girls.
The team first started in 2008; the team consisted of 4 to 8 girls at every practice. Throughout the years Majors have gradually recruited girls that are students from North High School, and White Bear Lake, and other schools. Majors currently has 3 Coaches; Achilles Xiong and Shong Lee of another flag football team called Oneteam, and Pahlee Lee the founder and Head coach of Majors.
“I am very excited for is the Bizz Tournament, April 23rd and 24th” says this year’s quarterback of Majors, Paia Vue, also a student of North High School. This tournament will be Majors’ first tournament of the season. The head coach of Majors also states: “An upcoming event that we are really anxious about, would definitely be the July 4th Tournament”. Majors look forward to getting to the top of the league no matter how long or how much work it’s going to take, “Never give up, it takes one person to throw a play, one person to throw a game, and one person to throw a tournament, so do it as a team.” says Shong Lee.

The Future

Monday, May 2, 2011

North High's love for Italy

Everybody wants to go on an unforgettable trip for spring break, everyone goes to Mexico, Florida, or Colorado, but not many people traveled to Italy. Senior, Ellie Anderson said “There is so much gained and learned from Italy, all the different cultures are really different, being appreciate for seeing all the old monuments that we don’t have here, and being more appreciate for what we have here.” There are many things this trip can do for you in the future. Ellie explained, “Going on this trip helps with having experience with different kinds of people, you can also sign up for college credits for traveling to another country with your school. The biggest difference of Italy and the United states is in Italy they care a lot more about your appearance, and they have many different verities of food than us.” Ellie's advice is, “If you have the opportunity to take a trip like this, do it because it’s a once in a life time trip.”
Economics teacher, Mr. Larson also went on this fantastic trip. He quoted, “It makes students confident in their social skills, and gains global awareness.” Mr. Larson said, “80-85% of participants are more interested in studying abroad in college and 2/3 were motivated to become more fluent in other languages.” The most different thing Mr. Larson thought comparing the United States and Italy was, “the history there is 2000 years old compared out of 1776, oh and of course the pasta!” Mr. Larson recommends this trip to students because he says, “the experience is like no other, Rome is especially a fantastic city, and you get engulfed in the history.”