Monday, May 2, 2011

North High's love for Italy

Everybody wants to go on an unforgettable trip for spring break, everyone goes to Mexico, Florida, or Colorado, but not many people traveled to Italy. Senior, Ellie Anderson said “There is so much gained and learned from Italy, all the different cultures are really different, being appreciate for seeing all the old monuments that we don’t have here, and being more appreciate for what we have here.” There are many things this trip can do for you in the future. Ellie explained, “Going on this trip helps with having experience with different kinds of people, you can also sign up for college credits for traveling to another country with your school. The biggest difference of Italy and the United states is in Italy they care a lot more about your appearance, and they have many different verities of food than us.” Ellie's advice is, “If you have the opportunity to take a trip like this, do it because it’s a once in a life time trip.”
Economics teacher, Mr. Larson also went on this fantastic trip. He quoted, “It makes students confident in their social skills, and gains global awareness.” Mr. Larson said, “80-85% of participants are more interested in studying abroad in college and 2/3 were motivated to become more fluent in other languages.” The most different thing Mr. Larson thought comparing the United States and Italy was, “the history there is 2000 years old compared out of 1776, oh and of course the pasta!” Mr. Larson recommends this trip to students because he says, “the experience is like no other, Rome is especially a fantastic city, and you get engulfed in the history.”

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