Monday, October 11, 2010

A Strong Soul

Are you fat? Are you always complaining about how you look? Better yet, are you always hearing people talking about your weight? So many people get wound up in what people think of them, and for what? When most of what comes out of other peoples mouths are negativity. The victims of such acts start to starve themselves, cutting and even more self-destructing behaviors.

A boy named Josh Stager faces some of those rude comments from time to time. When asked how he deals with such things, he said, "I don't really care, because i'm awesome and i don't even look what i weigh." such high esteem is needed in this world and he has lots. Accoring to Josh, he's been a big guy since as long as he can remember.

For a big guy, he does it all; he sings a lot, he loves to dance a lot of hip-hop, he does a lot a physical labor and he runs and bikes everywhere he goes.

A close friend of his, Eric Fleckner, says, "Josh is a good person and he is one of best friends. It's just a plus that he is plus sized." Everyone can joke around and be happy with Josh's weight. It's one of those things that you have to be happy with yourself as a person and be able to laught at yourself.

Even if you're not comfortable with yourself, know that the only person you can please in life is yourself. You can make yourself happy. You can be like Josh and take pride in how much you weigh or look. You have to take that extra step and make yourself happy. So what do you choose to do.

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