Monday, May 23, 2011

Senior Slide

Sunny skies, blooming flowers, growing trees, dogs barking, lovely gardens, people fishing, people enjoying outdoor pastimes, and homework being ignored. Spring is a time for laughter and occasional rainy days, but according to seniors: Not Homework.
Senioritis, as some may call it others simply say senior slide, or senior slid if they are speaking of the past. In any case it is a trend or phenomenon that occurs when the brain of a senior high schooled student simply won’t put up with home work any longer. Senior year is the final year of high school and the final step in moving ever more closer to ones career. Senioritis for some has been so bad that it has brought them to the depths of summer school, for others they have squeaked by with a measly excuse for a grade.
If done properly Senioritis should not take someone to summer school, according to seniors, just doing the bare minimum will make for a successful senior slide. “Spring is not meant for homework or work at all, it was created for snow to melt.” This is a quote from senior Mario Tuccitto, he has gone to school for all his life, and now it is time for him to slack off.
Only seniors are eligible to experience a phenomenon such as Senioritis, not only because it has the word senior in it but because to seniors, it only seems fair. And why shouldn’t it be fair, to experience what life is like without homework, all their lives trapped by the frustrations of math problems, reading short stories, and worst of all, trying to figure out what the heck all of the science teachers are talking about. If Senioritis ever happens to you, do not be frightened, be responsible, and do the bare minimum.

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