Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Minnesota Boy
Saul is a 15 year old sophomore at
North High who has spent his whole life in Minnesota. With the exception of
Wisconsin, he has never traveled beyond the Minnesota boarders, “I go to
Wisconsin to visit family, but I’ve never been to another state,” he says.
Saul has two sisters and one brother who “get
special treatments.” His sister is on a competitive dance team who may be
traveling to Las Vegas sometime this year, “I’m really excited to go there.
Plus, we would drive so I would get to see even more of the country.”
When Saul was younger, he almost
got hit by a car. “I was too young to remember to look both ways and the car
just barely knicked my leg,” he says. Saul also developed a fear of heights,
but explains, “I can handle most roller coasters. Some are just too tall.”
In the future, Saul plans to go to college.
Considering he hasn’t seen much of the country, he is thinking about attending
school in Boise, Idaho. “I’m interested in their academics and sports,” he
says. Maybe someday, Saul will no longer be considered a “Minnesota boy.”

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