Sunday, January 8, 2012

Seeing Strange Habits

North student Brigette Mitchell has some strange and interesting habits. Ranging from sleeping habits to everyday chores, they can be observed at her home daily. Brigette’s habits are quite unique.

Brigette states that when she sleeps “I sleep on my stomach with the covers over my face or wrapped around my head when sleeping on a couch.” If Birgette falls into a deep sleep she must be woken up by being hit 11 times or being startled by a loud noise. Among her strange sleeping habits Brigrtte also talks in her sleep and sleep walks.

Brigette mentioned that she also has strange everyday habits. When Brigette sorts through her clothes she separates them into two categories, one for the day and the other for the rest of the week. She also has strange laundry habits. When she does the laundry she will separate the clothes into two piles, one pile is cleaner the other dirty. After separating the clothes she will wash the dirty clothes first and then the clean clothes.

She also mentioned that if she puts something in a specific place or sets something up a certain way then it has to stay that way otherwise if her things are rearranged she will become very angry. Brigette stated that her family does not think anything of her strange habits. Brigette says that “my habits don’t bother me very often.”

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