Monday, October 10, 2011

Don't Be Sagging

When you go to school in the morning, what do you see? Tired students’ with giant mugs of coffee, some rushing to finish their homework, and the rest waiting until the warning bell sounds to get to class. If you look closer, you will be surprised what you will see, or maybe not because it is you that is participating in this activity. You look around when all of a sudden, WHAM, you get a face full of underwear, boxers, shorts, or if you’re lucky, a full moon. This is referred to as sagging, if you hadn’t known already. Now, who wants to see that in the morning right when you wake up, nobody that’s who!

“I know what my students’ are wearing underwear, but I would rather not know the color of them,” said Mr. Simms, a North High staff member. Sagging is inappropriate and should only be done in the privacy of your own home. What would your parents say if you sat down for breakfast, lunch, or dinner and you were letting your rear end hang out? It is inappropriate and some to most girls think that sagging is unattractive. Mr. Richter, assistant principal, used to carry around zip ties and if he saw you sagging, he’d help you out by zip tying your pant loops together. Mr. Hackney, staff member at North, doesn’t see the practicality of it, that it is all shenanigans, and that they should “hitch them up.”

Sagging originated in jail because inmates couldn’t have belts, laces, string, or anything of the sort because they would use those to commit suicide with. So, without belts to hold their pants up, inmates’ pants tended to fall over their backsides. To some inmates it is telling them something other than sagging because you don’t have a belt.?

As of the last staff meeting at North, Mr. Nelson addressed the sagging issue, and has asked all staff members to ask those who sag, to pull them up. Saggin’ police are on the rise, now watch yo back!

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