Thursday, October 6, 2011

Teachers VS. Technology

Many students of North High school hope to one day go to college. Everyone wants to live up to the American standards, good job, good house. But to get that you need a good education. With the decrease in jobs and over priced college many students are turning to Advance Placement classes for that extra boost of education and preparation for college.

Advanced Placement programs, also known as “AP” are a faster paced classroom environments. Megan O’Connor a Junior says “AP classes pay off because you are treated more like an adult, you get more in depth on subjects and more social interactions from discussions”. Megan also says that the AP courses are “passable if you think that you are at least smart and dedicated to your academics”.

The AP test, which is a test that can get you a college credit for History, Math, etc; it is usually held in the spring time. Megan says the test and class is hard the first time but after once you get used you get used to the feel of what college will be like.

AP classes may not be for everyone, if you don’t feel strong in that subject. But if you do you should go straight your goals in life. AP courses require much time out of school as well. You should study hard, ask your teacher if your confused and you will be on your way to be prepared for college and your future academic choices ahead.

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