Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Bullying-Rise Against Says 'Make It Stop'

Since September 2010, there have been numerous counts of suicide within the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Transgender community (LGBT). Mainly for the reason that they have been bullied for it in a various amount of ways. Some have not done anything to solve the problem with bullying, but punk-rock band Rise Against is reaching out to those people.
Chicago activist punk rockers Rise Against have been getting videos from their fanbase of people with problems with their orientation and insecurities. In light of that, Rise Against has made a song and video called “Make It Stop (September’s Children),” which also includes small bits of videos from YouTube from the It Gets Better Campaign with victims telling their stories and letting people know “It gets better.” This video takes place in a high school gym with different scenes of teens in the LGBT community being bullied and then using the worst possible way to cope with it: contemplating suicide.
In the chorus, it says “Make it stop. Let this end. Eighteen years pushed to the ledge.” It means make the bullying stop and let the whole thing end. The victim is on the verge of suicide and might succeed if pushed any further. “When the song says ‘Make it stop,’ it’s talking to the parts of society that would hide behind euphemisms like ‘family values’ to justify bigotry, writes Tim McIlrath, lead singer, in a letter to the Huffington Post. “When it says ‘Let this end,’ it’s addressing hate-filled TV networks that masquerade as news stations.”
In the video during the bridge (the bridge is part of a song), Tim McIlrath tells the names of the victims who committed suicide due to bullying (names will not be mentioned) and in between each name has a YouTube exerpt with a person telling the victims that there’s no reason to be ashamed of themselves and they should live their lives how they want. At the very end of the song, the lyrics say “Make it stop. Let this end. This life chose me, I’m not lost in sin. But proud I stand of who I am. I plan to go on living.” With that said, make the bullying stop and check out this video!

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