Saturday, October 15, 2011

We Need Time to Eat

What lunch do you have? What do you think lunch should be like? Well, you know what; we think that lunch in the lunchroom takes way to long at times. Most students can recall having just got their food and sitting down, only to have the bell ring right when they started to eat. Lunch is supposed to be a peaceful time to sit down, eat, talk to your friends, and do some extra work when needed. But instead, some worry about having enough time to eat.

I can recall having just starting to eat my Sub Sandwich, when Helen announced everyone to leave lunch. I asked if I could get a pass to my next period, but they said “no”. so I ended up having to finish my sub really fast and speed walk to make it to class on time. Days like brunch for lunch, sub day, chicken patty, and turkey and mash potatoes are the days that you need to eat fast. The lines are super long, almost backing up to the doors. Nick Koetz, a student at North, said “I pay for my lunch, so I want to have time to eat it!”

Some suggestions that were made was to let students’ leave school to eat, having two monitors to make sure no one is budging, and possibly, another lunch period to make the cafeteria less crowded. Some others would include more lunch lines, longer lunch periods, and to make the cafeteria and line area larger.

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