Friday, November 2, 2012

Some Black Friday Survival Tactics

Thanksgiving: one of America’s best holidays. We always look forward to meeting up with family and friends for a big turkey dinner and to talk with each other. But the real “fun” begins late at night after Thanksgiving. It’s the one holiday that most stores dread: Black Friday. Black Friday is the time of the year where stores discount pretty much everything in the stores and the store is flooded with customers trying to get their hands on that discounted merchandise. However, it’s happened more than once where someone gets trampled, lost, or hurt in the midst of the crowd, and I’m going to tell you some ways to make sure you aren’t any of those people. Survival tactic #1: stay close to someone. It’s ridiculously easy to lose someone in the mass of people and before you know it, you’re at one end of the store and he/she is at the other end. Stay as close as you can to someone, which includes holding hands, grabbing someone’s arm, or even stay behind that person as much as you can. Survival tactic #2: cell phones. In the event that survival tactic #1 didn’t help you, make sure you and that other person are both carrying cell phones. Modern day technology made it easier to communicate with each other, so make sure you use it in order to not lose anyone. Survival tactic #3: DON’T EVER STOP!!! The masses of people will keep moving you guys and if you try to attempt to stop, you WILL get hurt. Shopping aisles on Black Friday are like highways: you have to keep moving at a certain speed or you may get rammed or you may ram other people. If you absolutely need to stop, hide out in one of the pharmacy aisles. No one’s going to try and flood those aisles (they want the entertainment items, not discounted toiletries), so you’re going to be safe there to make a call or talk to someone. Survival tactic #4: know where people are going to be headed. The traffic will be headed for specific items, usually electronics. This area is where you’re going to have to stay alert because I saw a girl get trampled last year by the video games and it wasn’t a pretty sight. I’m not saying you’re 100% safe anywhere else, it’s just that electronics are where most of the people are going to be headed to out of the whole store. These are just a few ways to keep you safe during this nightmare of a shopping trip. A lot of people have different experiences on Black Friday, but just keep in mind that you CAN get hurt if you’re not careful. Happy Thanksgiving/Black Friday everyone!

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