Monday, November 12, 2012

Legalizing gay and lesbian marriages

           Legalizing the gay rights for marriage has been a big controversy for the last couple of months. People have very different opinions on the topic over all. Some people are all for letting gays and lesbians marry, but some think it should be limited to one man one woman. Holly was one of the voters this year that stood in line to vote and when it came to that section of the ballot, she voted yes to limit Marriage.
          She says, "I think the definition of marriage is one man one woman, that’s how our culture has been and our understandings have been for years!"I then asked her if she has gay or lesbian family, friends, neighbors, ect.. She responded with a yes, but still feels marriage should be limited.
Holly and others have found this to be a big controversial issue around the United States today. She however feels like the vote yes will pull through in the end but you never know because it could go either way. She has been at the voting area since six a.m. and will remain there all day working. These are her opinions and vote for this year, what is yours?

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