Monday, October 15, 2012

High Interest Article: Mini Laptops

by: Natalie Klasinski
                You know that moment when your teacher told you that you would be using the school’s laptops in class. Some people got that excited idea of “hey, I get to play with a laptop” others may be like “YES! Now I don’t have to pay attention to the teacher”. Whatever you thought, your dreams were soon shattered when the teacher set the smaller than a ruler “laptop mini” on your desk.

 One class was thinking of attempting to log all their students into a computer website. The teacher wished to allow the students to learn the class’ topic by doing a program. The dilemma was that they didn’t know if they should take the class to the computer lab or just order to borrow some mini laptops. So the teacher decided to ask a fellow coworker. The coworker then asked the question if this program needed one student or the whole class to log in. The teacher stated that he would like to have each student on the website. The coworker then said “well, then you definitely do not want to use the mini laptops”! 

 The laptops are passed out one to each student. Each student then takes that laptop and then turns it on. The problem with this is that when 20 or so students all try at the exact same time to log onto an already slow server, you get the ability of sloth speed. Karlita D. said that in her class “6 out of about 21 students tried to log in” the outcome was that less than half the class made it in. Then to add worse to wear, she said the computers were “so slow to begin with, but these [mini laptops] are even slower”! With these computers so slow why are they used? They allow us to conserve the computer labs. Even if it is at the cost of only logging in 3% of the class if you need something done on computer but you don’t need everyone on it, then the school’s mini laptop is for you!

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