Monday, October 15, 2012

Art in washinton d.c. by a north high student

DeeAnnaLynn G.

North student and her art work at Washington DC!
              Every year, North has a bunch of opportunities to enter into art compositions. Last late April early May, the congressional arts competition at CBA Gallery was held. One of a few a North students that entered the competition was Sirra B., with an amazing portrait of her friend Harris Peterson. She originally just sent out to be creative and fun with her drawing, but ended up winning first place in the district. The first place prize was a trip to Washington DC and to have you’re drawing displayed are the Washington monument along with the other first place district winners. Sirra and her mother were two of the people on the plane to DC to see her art work on display. She and her mom were there for five days to see the art work, see the sites. And just have fun! “We got to see a lot of interesting monuments there and it was surprisingly hot there” Sirra said. She is and always has been creative and I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw more out of this girl in the future. She might even influence other to take an art class and possibly enter an art competition!

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