Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thong thao is a sophomore student at North high school. He is a great kid who believes that he can play basketball and make the team. He is going to try out for the basketball team, "I want to be a playmaker in basketball so I am going try out", he says. How good could he be? Thong doesn’t think he is very good "Hey it’s hard but it’s worth a shot", he says. Thong doesn’t really know if he will make the team, he just wants to try His best. This will be a first time he tries out for the team and hopes to make an impact.
(Photo: S. Frimpong)

Kayla with a camera

            Kayla is known as North’s photographer at her finest. She has been in every photography class here at north, but her love for photos has gone way beyound the classroom. She always has her camera on hand for the last three years that she’s realy been into photography. But she started her photo taking love back in first grade! Events, partys, or just a walk in the park, she always has her camera on hand. She’s very talented and shows it in every photograph she takes. She has recently been introduced to a little side job. People have been loving her photography so much, that she’s been asked by 25 sinors and counting to do there sinor photos. For everones she does, there is a seventy five dollar fall photoshoot fee; that includes forty to sixty photos at any location of you’r choice. It also includes edits of all the photos taken.

            She gives you the photos digitaly so you can make the prints yourself to have all of the sizes you and you’r family desire and because it’s quicker and cheaper. She a great, fun person to be around so not only do you get great photos, but you also have a fun time doing it. With this being Kayla’s sinor year was well, she’ll be going off to either CVA, arts institues, or MCAT to major in photography. As of now she’s leanig towards MCAT. Soon, you’ll be seeing her photos everywhere. You are infact going to be seeing alot from this photographer.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Picture Paragraph -- Jackie Morris

Jackie Morris
Journalism One
Hour 2
October 24th, 2012
Picture Paragraph -- School Spirit
            Nikki Block, sophomore here at North High goes all out when it comes to school spirit. On Wednesday, October 24th Nikki is seen wearing an all pink outfit, even her shoes were pink! You may ask why Ms. Block is dressed in such a "unique" outfit on a Wednesday afternoon; well she is supporting the schools breast cancer awareness, pink out that student council has created to spread the awareness this month. On this specific Wednesday in October when a North High student is wearing pink of any kind when purchasing an upcoming dance ticket they will receive $2 off their ticket, what a savings!

Monday, October 22, 2012

picture and paragraph by natalie k

it’s just another day in the North House office for Mary H. (right) and Mary S. (left). Behind the scenes they are "helping students, and putting out fires (not litterally)" said Mary S. They work to keep the school organized while helping frantic students with their futures. With so many students that need help with plans for school the Marys are there to help.

They Schedule passes, take care of photo I.Ds, keep constant on attendance, make notes of students behavior, and much more. Just a thanks to are everyday heros in the office.

photos taken by Natalie Klasinski at North House.

Picture Paragraph

    Obama and Romney talk about Economy In 2nd Debate
                 By, Stephon Frimpong
President Obama and runner up Romney talks about economy. They talked about unemployment and the economy, Romney thinks that Obama policies “haven’t put Americans back to work” he says.
Obama responds by saying that Romney’s plan for the economy is to “make sure that people at the top of play by separate set of rules”, he says.
When Obama was asked about the gas prices Obama talked about the efficient, clean energy is technology. “How are we going to reduce demands and lower cost”, he says.
Romney goes on about the president is keeping the nation from taking advantage of domestic oil, coal and gas.
Romney the former governor of Massachusetts looks to win the election will president Obama looks to win again this election. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

north fastpitch starts again

Just a couple weeks ago, North’s softball team had their first informational meeting of the year. GIrls from all grades attended, very excited for the new year. Softball starts every spring, with alot of girls lined up anxious to hit that fast ball. Jenna Law has played softball the last two years and is planning to again this year as well.        

She hasn’t started practicing for tryouts yet, which start March 8th, 2013. All together it cost over two hundred dollars to play, but north girls don’t let it hold them back. They show up for practice every day except weekends and play their hardest one game night. Game nights are usually twice a week and sometimes on weekends. Jenna has had a lot of fun in softball and is excited for the upcoming year. Good luck to her and all the other girls trying out for the team!

Monday, October 15, 2012


                             By, Stephon Frimpong

On March 5, 1989 Janna Fennell was born. Yet, something was wrong with her when she was a baby, she would turn purple because she was not getting enough oxygen.

The doctors found out that Janna had a condition called a congenital heart defect. She was born with three heart chambers instead of four.


What is a congenital heart defect? Well, it is a problem with the structure of the heart.

It’s present at birth, congenital heart defects are the most common type of major birth defects. Congenital heart defects can disrupt the normal flow of blood through the heart.


Some causes of the defect can be from genetic or environment things, but is usually a combination of both.

“I don’t know why I was born with it, but I needed surgery right away when I was a baby”, she says.

Why, why did this happen to a person as kind as her, to be born with a heart defect like that?

She does not know if she will need future surgeries to help her conditions.

“I don’t know if I will need surgery but I might because I just had surgery a couple of months ago”, she says.


Some types of treatments that can help it can be taking medicine, surgery, and other medical procedures and a heart transplant.

Janna has to take 6 different types of medications.

“They all help my heart work better and faster”, she says.


She cannot play sports. If she does, her heart will go out of sync and will not work.

If she didn’t get surgery, when she was born she would have died!

I admire her strong will to keep going and not let it affect who she is as a person today.

Now, Janna is 23 yrs old. She is healthy and happy; she just recently graduated from Dartmouth College.

She is living a good life
“I’m glad that I am healthy and I’m looking towards the future”, she says.    

Italy and Switzerland, Spring Break 2013

Winter time

DeeAnna Lynn G. Journalism 1
Some people love the winter time, some people hate it. The fact that school is in session also has a big impact of everyone’s decision. Everyday tasks become a hassle and not a very good pleasure to accomplish. For example, travel. We have to get to and from school. Not to mention most of us have the        unfortunate fate to end up walking between builds every day; Cold and tired between classes. Everyone also has to wear extra extra layers just to get warm during the day. The school building we all sit in for 6 hours is not that properly warmed in my opinion.  The school shuts the heat off in the morning relying on the heat from that time period to keep us warm all day. She says,

 -“ The first floor is the coldest, I sit in all the first floor classes cold “

 We after all are the ones learning here, it would be nice if we had a warm     environment to for the learning to take place in. Kids come to school in winter jackets all day. Teachers refer to school as a job, but our parents don’t have to go to their job and freeze while doing work. Winter is pretty long and we don’t have a choice to be here. Maybe it’s time we get a little warmer classrooms, especially for the people who try their best every day.
DeeAnna Lynn G.  Journalism 1
Some people love the winter time, some people hate it. The fact that school is in session also has a big impact of everyone’s decision. Everyday tasks become a hassle and not a very good pleasure to accomplish. For example, travel. We have to get to and from school. Not to mention most of us have the        unfortunate fate to end up walking between builds every day; Cold and tired between classes. Everyone also has to wear extra extra layers just to get warm during the day. The school building we all sit in for 6 hours is not that properly warmed in my opinion.  The school shuts the heat off in the morning relying on the heat from that time period to keep us warm all day. She says,
 -“ The first floor is the coldest, I sit in all the first floor classes cold “
 We after all are the ones learning here, it would be nice if we had a warm     environment to for the learning to take place in. Kids come to school in winter jackets all day. Teachers refer to school as a job, but our parents don’t have to go to their job and freeze while doing work. Winter is pretty long and we don’t have a choice to be here. Maybe it’s time we get a little warmer classrooms, especially for the people who try their best every day.

Art in washinton d.c. by a north high student

DeeAnnaLynn G.

North student and her art work at Washington DC!
              Every year, North has a bunch of opportunities to enter into art compositions. Last late April early May, the congressional arts competition at CBA Gallery was held. One of a few a North students that entered the competition was Sirra B., with an amazing portrait of her friend Harris Peterson. She originally just sent out to be creative and fun with her drawing, but ended up winning first place in the district. The first place prize was a trip to Washington DC and to have you’re drawing displayed are the Washington monument along with the other first place district winners. Sirra and her mother were two of the people on the plane to DC to see her art work on display. She and her mom were there for five days to see the art work, see the sites. And just have fun! “We got to see a lot of interesting monuments there and it was surprisingly hot there” Sirra said. She is and always has been creative and I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw more out of this girl in the future. She might even influence other to take an art class and possibly enter an art competition!

High Interest Article: Mini Laptops

by: Natalie Klasinski
                You know that moment when your teacher told you that you would be using the school’s laptops in class. Some people got that excited idea of “hey, I get to play with a laptop” others may be like “YES! Now I don’t have to pay attention to the teacher”. Whatever you thought, your dreams were soon shattered when the teacher set the smaller than a ruler “laptop mini” on your desk.

 One class was thinking of attempting to log all their students into a computer website. The teacher wished to allow the students to learn the class’ topic by doing a program. The dilemma was that they didn’t know if they should take the class to the computer lab or just order to borrow some mini laptops. So the teacher decided to ask a fellow coworker. The coworker then asked the question if this program needed one student or the whole class to log in. The teacher stated that he would like to have each student on the website. The coworker then said “well, then you definitely do not want to use the mini laptops”! 

 The laptops are passed out one to each student. Each student then takes that laptop and then turns it on. The problem with this is that when 20 or so students all try at the exact same time to log onto an already slow server, you get the ability of sloth speed. Karlita D. said that in her class “6 out of about 21 students tried to log in” the outcome was that less than half the class made it in. Then to add worse to wear, she said the computers were “so slow to begin with, but these [mini laptops] are even slower”! With these computers so slow why are they used? They allow us to conserve the computer labs. Even if it is at the cost of only logging in 3% of the class if you need something done on computer but you don’t need everyone on it, then the school’s mini laptop is for you!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Vice Presidential Debate

Vice Presidential Debate

Ricky Nelson

            Last night’s debate revitalized the ever important conflict between conservatives and Liberals, more formally known as Republicans and Democrats and gave people, including high school students, a new subject to talk about.
            Among some of the more prominent topics that were discussed were abortion, foreign policy and economics, things that high school students also have a stake in, and naturally care about.
            The debate also told us more about the candidates, for vice president that is, and what they stand for. North student Brent Windham thought Joe Biden won, or should have won because “Paul Ryan is withholding the truth, and Joe Biden was pointing out all the facts that Ryan neglected to say.”
            Others say that it was a tie, or that Paul Ryan won because he was more stylish (Biden frequently interrupted Ryan) but the official decision given to us courtesy of CNN is that it was a tie.
            North students have passionate opinions regarding some of the issues discussed such as abortion. A couple weeks ago an informal survey was taken which revealed that a majority of those interviewed stood against abortion, which Ryan agreed with, Biden contrasted with.     
            Ryan Hess, another North student, said on the topic of removing troops from Afghanistan, “I don’t think we should be there now.” He is expressing an opinion common to many Americans young and old that the war(s) in the middle east should end or be ending and that American involvement is not necessary, a position advocated by both candidates, but more so by the Obama-Biden campaign.
            The Economy is another heated issue and the two sides sparred off on how to best handle the current crisis, with Ryan supporting a Reagan era “trickle down” economics approach, and Biden advocating a big government more spending approach. North student Tom Indykiewicz said “I think Obama has had his chance with the economy, he failed, it’s time to give Romney a chance.
            This debate has sparked many opposing political debates in many walks of life, including the high school world, and let us not forget that as the generation that will one day take over America, we have just as much a stake in politics as anyone else.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Activities spotlight: Freshmen Football

robotics club

DeeAnna Lynn G.
            Here at North High, there are indeed robots being built! How this is possible some would ask? Well its possible thanks to the robotics after school club. It’s held once a week right after school in North’s back tech room. The exact day they meet has not been announced yet because the activity hasn’t started yet but soon will. They always all have a lot of fun and build actual robots. Each year, they are given a challenge to complete by the end of the season.
            The challenge is a kind of robot to build, which ends up battling other robots in a weekend long competition at the end of the school year. The club has the parts and the help of Mr. Syber throughout the year to help them build the robot. A lot of knowledge also comes from the “team captain” Matt Cassin. Last year the team’s robot came in 25th place out of 65 teams! If you are by any chance interested in building things and having a lot fun doing it, the robotics club might be something for you to check into and try.

Activities Spotlight: Fellowship of Christian Athletes

north high singers


journalism 1
Choir is a school activity where people can sing and work on their vocals. A lot of people don’t go to the concerts beside family and closes friends but the people that go say they enjoy it and have a good time. Many people enjoy it also because it’s not a boys and girls thing every one sings together to cause a great harmony. Another thing that people in choir like is don’t have to be really good to join any one can if they have the motivation and drive to get better at singing. Sam Figueroa has said "I’m in choir to work on my vocals and just get better at singing."
A lot of people are in choir because of the same reason Sam is. There are to different types of choir at north on being show choir and the other one being regular choir bought which have a large number of students in it. Mrs. Sorensen the choir instructor has been working at north for many years and giving north plenty great performances by her students. There are more than just one proformens done at north by the choir and they all think more people showed show up watch them sit back and relax.
Choir is not only an after school activity but a fun way to work on your singing skills and a place to meet new people. Many students who have been in North’s choir who have graduated have moved on to work on singing and it’s all thanks to their high school choir.