Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Steve Koneczny: Cool Like Snow

A senior at North High, Steve Koneczny seems pretty content with where he is in life right now. A lover of winter and sports, Minnesota seems like a perfect fit for this guy.
When asked where he could be found if he has any free time, he would tell you that he would most likely be hanging out with his friends and playing any sport that they can, a favorite being pond hockey. Steve is definitely the kind of guy that likes to keep things moving. If he could have any pet in the world, he would have a cheetah (“So I could ride it.”), and if he had to decide on one method of transportation to use for the rest of his life, a McLaren F1 would be parked in his driveway. (If you don’t know what a McLaren F1 is, just think of a really hardcore-looking, speedy car.)
Staying in the air also seems like something he enjoys. Snowboarding or skiing: a question that has divided many Minnesotans for ages. Steve, however, has definitely picked his side, saying, “Snowboarding, for sure.” On top of that, if you were to ask Steve what kick-butt skill he would want if he could have any in the world, after a few seconds of considering that difficult question, he would tell you, “It would probably have to be flying.”
But aside from being the man that could spend all day outside flopping through the snow (a rare trait, even for someone who lives in the Midwest), he’s a pretty chill guy. Even when he was a kid, this was evident. “I slept a lot as a child. In middle school, I once slept from midnight to five o’clock in the afternoon.” These days, when he’s not out pond hockey-ing with his friends or ripping through the hills on a waxed board, he can be found ice fishing.
Overall, Steve Koneczny has a good range of personality. Whether goofing off in school, sporting it up or sitting on a frozen lake with a line in the water, he definitely a guy you want to get to know.

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