Sunday, October 3, 2010

How Do People Feel About Their Freshmen Year?

"For the life of me I cannot remember
What made us think that we were wise and we'd never compromise
For the life of me I cannot believe we'd ever die for these sins
We were merely freshmen"
That's the chorus of the song "The Freshmen" by The Vereve Pipe. Though I believe it's about being a Freshmen in college and hitting someone with your car, it's the song that makes me think about my Freshmen year, even though I'm only a Junior. My Freshmen year was spent somewhere between a laugh and a sob. I realize now that when i was a Sophomore I was hating on the Freshmen more and more.
Everybody remembers Pep-Fest, Freshmen always get booed. But it made me wonder how did they feel about it?
"It (Freshmen year) was interesting," says Alex Longueville ('13) "It's so unique...You're the older kids in middle school and then you come here and you're the youngest...But personally I loved it." Montoya Lor ('12) also responds positively saying, "I was more encouraged than bullied."
But not all feedback was positive. "(Freshmen year was) Kind of suck-y," Kaylie E-B ('13) says simpley. "Except for when I went to C.A.R.E." She laughs. "Freshmen year was horrible!" exclaims senior Josh Stager, "It cause me to be Emo."
Overall I suppose that everyone's Freshmen year is unique and special and can't be generalized in a simple sentence. To the Freshmen of 2010/2011, I hope you enjoy it, It's the only one you get!

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