Thursday, December 6, 2012

Zombie District

Ever wonder what your life would be like if there was a zombie outbreak?

I wish I would have. It may have been of some help to me.

Now, running with my newfound companion, we manage to break away from a few straggling zombies.

Well almost.

“Zombie on your left Thea”!

I turned to my left and blocked the zombies bite with a baseball bat. It took a big chomp into the wood and got its teeth stuck. While it was occupied I took the opportunity to kick at his stomach. My foot got stuck in the rotten flesh.

The zombie unhooked his now broken jaw from the bat (leaving the majority of its teeth), and looked at me with a confused expression lining its face and for one moment, we just stared at each other.

That moment passed way too soon.

I pulled my foot out of the rotten goo and stumbled backwards as it bit at my neck.

“Could use a little help over here”, I shouted as I turned and took off in a sprint.

Ryker rushed the zombie from behind and swung the butt of his shot gun into the back of the zombie’s leg.

I say the scariest thing about a zombie is that they have a natural instinct to get brains, and they will do anything to get just that.

Even with a newly broken leg.

You’d think that would be enough of an influence to stop anyone but like I said, zombies want what they want.

I stumbled and landed face first on the cement, which brought a few swear words out of me, but I managed to flip over and watch the action.

As the zombie looked at me and let out a low, lazy moan, I squealed.

What? Can you blame me?

Watching a zombie drag its way towards you, even after weeks of watching that same thing happen, will never be normal.

Not to me.

Not when they want to eat me.

But Ryker seemed less than fazed. He pointed his shotgun at the zombie’s forehead and as it let out an annoyed groan Ryker pulled the trigger.

I squeezed my eyes shut as the shot rang through the air.

Even though this is a zombie outbreak that doesn’t mean I’m no longer squeamish, although I’d rather see the goo than real blood.

Still, when I opened my eyes to the blackish sludge that colored the cement I couldn’t help but feel a little queasy.

Ryker must have seen my distressed state because he walked over to me and offered me his hand.

I took it gratefully and he helped me to my feet. As awkward as me needing help standing up was, it felt even more awkward when I lost my balance and fell into his solid chest with a slight thud.

I glanced up at him and I felt my face heat up as I quickly pushed away from him and muttered a quick thank you.

I looked up at the old chapel we stood just outside of and got an eerie feeling.

A breeze flitted through giving me goose bumps and making me rub my arms for warmth.

I glanced back at Ryker who has now cleaning the barrel of his shot gun on his tattered greyish t-shirt.

I quickly averted my eyes. This was not the time to begin feeling anything for anyone… No matter how bright his sea green eyes were. Or how I could see hints of red in his thick brown hair as the light hit it at the right angle.

Nope. I didn’t notice any of that what so ever.

Instead I decided to look down the hill that we stood on top of.

I wish I hadn’t, because not too far below us there were about 15 zombies that I could see. Maybe more.

And they were all headed our way.

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